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My First Piano Adventure Writing Book A

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Cena vrátane DPH
My First Piano Adventure - Writing Book B

My First Piano Adventure - Writing Book B

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

15 recenzií

10,20 €
307 Sk


My First Piano Adventure - Writing Book C

My First Piano Adventure - Writing Book C

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

15 recenzií

10,20 €
307 Sk


My First Piano Adventure - Writing Book A

My First Piano Adventure - Writing Book A

Rozvoj ucha a precvičovanie oka malého dieťaťa je kľúčovou súčasťou Písacej knihy A. Tucker, maskot, ktorý rád počúva, je vždy na scéne, pretože malé dieťa napodobňuje, zodpovedá a vytvára rytmické a melodické vzory. Multikultúrni priatelia predstavujú improvizáciu a jednoduché, riadené kompozičné a...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

15 recenzií

10,20 €
307 Sk


My First Piano Adventure Writing Book C

My First Piano Adventure Writing Book C

(Faber Piano Adventures ). Writing Book C (the companion book for Lesson Book C) provides 64 colorful, fun-filled pages of writing, ear-training, and "CLAP for Sightreading" activities. A focus on reading skips leads students to cross bridges, connect flag

178 recenzií

8,74 €
263 Sk

My First Piano Adventure Writing Book A

My First Piano Adventure Writing Book A

Developing the ear and training the eye of the young child is a key component of the Writing Book A. Tucker, the mascot dog who loves to LISTEN, is always on the scene as the young child imitates, matches, and creates rhythmic and melodic patterns. The multi-cultural friends present improvisation an...

178 recenzií

8,43 €
254 Sk

My First Piano Adventure, Writing Book C, Skips on the Staff: For the Young Beginner (Faber Nancy)

My First Piano Adventure, Writing Book C, Skips on the Staff: For the Young Beginner (Faber Nancy)

(Faber Piano Adventures ). Writing Book C (the companion book for Lesson Book C) provides 64 colorful, fun-filled pages of writing, ear-training, and "CLAP for Sightreading" activities. A focus on reading skips leads students to cross bridges, connect flags, meet a mouse, and skip to deep-sea treasu...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

1072 recenzií

7,48 €
225 Sk

My First Piano Adventure: Writing Book a (Faber Nancy)

My First Piano Adventure: Writing Book a (Faber Nancy)

(Faber Piano Adventures ). Developing the ear and training the eye of the young child is a key component of the Writing Book A. Tucker, the mascot dog who loves to LISTEN, is always on the scene as the young child imitates, matches, and creates rhythmic and melodic patterns. The multi-cultural frien...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

1072 recenzií

7,92 €
239 Sk

My First Piano Adventure Writing Book C

My First Piano Adventure Writing Book C

(Faber Piano Adventures ). Writing Book C (the companion book for Lesson Book C) provides 64 colorful, fun-filled pages of writing, ear-training, and "CLAP for Sightreading" activities. A focus on reading skips leads students to cross bridges, connect flag

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

4704 recenzií

8,74 €
263 Sk

Najlacnejšie knihy

My First Piano Adventure Writing Book A

My First Piano Adventure Writing Book A

Developing the ear and training the eye of the young child is a key component of the Writing Book A. Tucker, the mascot dog who loves to LISTEN, is always on the scene as the young child imitates, matches, and creates rhythmic and melodic patterns. The multi-cultural friends present improvisation an...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

4704 recenzií

8,43 €
254 Sk

Najlacnejšie knihy

My First Piano Adventure

My First Piano Adventure

My First Piano Adventure Writing Book B includes 64 pages of fun-filled activities support the music learning process. Reading steps on the staff is a primary focus of Book B.

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

4704 recenzií

10,08 €
304 Sk

Najlacnejšie knihy

My First Piano Adventure For The Young Beginner - Writing Book A - Pre-Reading

My First Piano Adventure For The Young Beginner - Writing Book A - Pre-Reading

25328 recenzií

7,20 €
217 Sk

My First Piano Adventure

My First Piano Adventure

My First Piano Adventure Writing Book B includes 64 pages of fun-filled activities support the music learning process. Reading steps on the staff is a primary focus of Book B.

178 recenzií

10,08 €
304 Sk

Nájdených 12 výsledkov

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